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auto accident neck pain

Whiplash Care in Greenville

Whiplash is a generic term that refers to an injury sustained primarily in automobile collisions. The vehicle was either hit from behind and the head jerks backward and then forward. The vehicle is stopped quickly by being hit in the front, or the head jerks forward and then backward.

These types of traumatic injuries can be devastating to the head, neck and back following a collision. The weight of the head is too much for the neck to support during traumatic impact, such as an automobile accident.

Following a car accident, here are other common symptoms a person can experience:
  • Upper, mid and low back pain
  • Hip pain
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of balance
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Blurred vision
  • Problems with brain fog, mental acuity and memory

The Importance of Getting Checked Right Away

Following an automobile accident, a patient should be thoroughly examined immediately. The sooner a person comes to our office to be evaluated following an auto vehicle collision, the better. The longer a patient waits, the more opportunity for the injuries to heal inappropriately, which are harder to correct later.

Your comprehensive exam includes orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic testing, as well as any appropriate diagnostic imaging, such as X-ray, MRI, or CT.

Following examination and diagnostic imaging, Dr. Brown knows the appropriate treatment to correct injuries sustained in an automobile collision. He will address any joint issues that have been damaged, including the actual vertebrae, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves.

Our Approach to Care

Specific chiropractic adjusting of the neck and back can correct the actual joint problems. Therapy modalities that we employ, such as high voltage galvanism, muscle stim, ultrasound and cold laser, can be utilized to heal the surrounding soft tissue components.

Schedule a Free Consult & Preliminary Exam

We offer anyone in an automobile collision a free consultation and preliminary examination to evaluate the best course of action for the patient to address the problems quickly, efficiently, and not have to worry about future problems from the accident.


Whiplash Care Greenville SC | (864) 271-0001