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Pregnancy Chiropractic in Greenville

Pregnant mom holding phoneDuring pregnancy, a woman’s body secretes a hormone called relaxin, which causes the joints to relax and be able to separate for the birth of the child. Relaxin causes laxness and instability in the other joints as well. Many pregnant women experience low back pain and hip injuries that chiropractic care can address.

Other Benefits for Moms-to-Be

Prenatal chiropractic also can

  • Improve pelvic balance
  • Alleviate sciatic pain
  • Help you have a smoother delivery
  • Provide posture support
  • Improve sleep
Chiropractic is natural and noninvasive and can be used throughout pregnancy. Not only can it ease back pain, but it can help maintain the structural integrity of the low back and hips for the birthing process and carrying the baby in the womb as well.

How Do You Adjust Pregnant Patients?

At our practice, we feature specially designed equipment tables for pregnant women to make getting adjusted more comfortable for them. We also use specific types of chiropractic adjusting procedures that are strictly for women. Our methods are more comfortable for moms-to-be and more effective without causing any discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will adjustments hurt my unborn baby?
No, not at all.

At what point in my pregnancy should I start receiving care?

Chiropractic can benefit you at every stage of pregnancy. The earlier you start, however, the more likely you’ll enjoy a comfortable pregnancy.
Can chiropractic help with the birthing process?
Yes, we hear that all the time from our women patients. When the pelvis is aligned properly it’s more likely that you’ll experience an easier birth.

Are there benefits to coming in after delivery?

Yes! Women under chiropractic care during pregnancy can continue to experience many benefits after delivery. Proper spinal alignment can help new moms avoid injury when bending to lift their baby, holding their baby for extended periods, pushing strollers and lifting car seats.

Book an Appointment

Chiropractic care can help you have a healthier and happier pregnancy. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


Pregnancy Chiropractic Greenville SC | (864) 271-0001