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Leg & Hip Pain Relief in Greenville

Woman with leg painA bad fall, a work injury, an auto accident or a sports injury. Leg and hip pain are often due to such traumatically induced injuries. These can cause an issue with the articulation of the hips, either the femur head of the leg into the acetabulum of the hip or the sacrum in the hip–all those bones that make up the hip. If you have an actual joint issue, that can cause substantial pain, which can cause sciatica or localized pain in the low back and hip area.

Getting to the Root Cause

Unlike the conventional medical approach to treating leg and hip pain, which uses drugs and surgery, chiropractic seeks to identify the root cause. “If there’s pain, mechanical disability, or dysfunction in the joint, there obviously has to be something wrong,” said Dr. Brown.

Every day, we see a large percentage of patients with leg and hip pain. As an expert in addressing such discomfort, Dr. Brown uses diagnostic testing, such as orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic testing, to come up with a preliminary diagnosis of what part of the body is causing this discomfort, pain and malfunction.

Then through diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans, we can pinpoint what the actual problem is and then try and correct it, offering a permanent solution.

Our Successful, Multi-Pronged Approach

At Brown Chiropractic Center, we have a high efficacy rate in improving and eradicating leg and hip pain. Our approach includes chiropractic care, traction and various therapy modalities. Chiropractic adjustments can help your leg or hip pain by correcting aberrant joint issues. Here are some benefits many patients experience from our care:

  • Reduced pain and discomfort
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Improved range of motion
  • Improved flexibility
  • Increased muscle tone and strength

A Patient Success Story

A Vietnam veteran had suffered from low back, hip and leg pain for decades. The man was diagnosed with lumbar malady and a sacroiliac articulation issue that caused sciatica. After Dr. Brown adjusted the patient, he left feeling little to no pain and was extremely pleased with his results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can leg and hip pain come from other parts of the body?

Yes, if a nerve is irritated in a certain area, wherever that nerve radiates, it can cause pain.

How many adjustments will I need before I experience relief?

It depends, of course, as every person responds differently to care. Often people experience relief after the first 1-2 adjustments.

Will you provide exercise or lifestyle recommendations in addition to treatment?

Yes, Dr. Brown may suggest you examine your lifestyle, nutrition and exercise choices. He may also encourage you to select your footwear carefully, lose weight if you’re overweight, improve your fitness levels, or even learn proper exercise techniques to avoid further strain and injury to your legs or hips.

Book an Appointment

If you’re suffering from leg or hip pain, contact us today to schedule an appointment. We want to help you get out of pain and back to your favorite activities.


Leg and Hip Pain Relief Greenville SC | (864) 271-0001